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A Suite of Trial Software Tools


The collective clinical study knowledge of four pharmaceutical contract research veterans, from various study roles, and their familiarity with improvement opportunities for over forty different electronic data collection (EDC) systems, is harmonized into the Haversac design. 


Learn more about our EDC, eTMF, eMVR, Payment, and Coding modules below.


An emphasis has been placed on limiting mouse and keyboard steps, so Haversac is easy and efficient to use because many functions are logically combined.  Practical ‘real-life’ features have been included to accommodate field practices without compromising quality.  The user has an instant visual orientation of entry and quality control (QC) requirements across each subject’s entire eCRF.  This enables efficient and informed navigation and gently focuses the user on completing pressing study actions.   The result is a researcher’s EDC system that helps move the study along with a pleasant user interface.  


Mediant Health contributed an expertise in converting real-life information tasks into a robust application.  For over a decade, Mediant has been helping healthcare companies elegantly tame their information needs.  This includes the use of HL7 for laboratory customers, and ASC-X12 for the healthcare financial industry and the associated high security demands.  Mediant brings years of experience in working with the regulated healthcare information environment, and specializes in the area of the industry’s emerging standards. 





Haversac EDC™


A next generation CDISC CFR 11 compliant electronic data collection system: Haversac EDC was designed by field professionals for field professionals, and these seasoned CRA veterans direct our software engineers through essential site environment workflow and functionality. Haversac EDC users complete trial tasks with a clean, fast, and efficient interface that provides uncluttered capabilities where and when they are needed. Haversac EDC delivers an intuitive orientation experience to guide user actions toward a faster, and more enjoyable, completion of study tasks.       


Haversac eTMF-CA™


An integrated electronic trial master file compliance assistant: Haversac eTMF-CA is a smart proactive GCP compliance assistant that prompts, tracks, and confirms the secure collection of study documentation to the Haversac servers. Added subject, investigator, consultant, and lab documentation and expiration tracking requirements are automatically set up to become part of Haversac eTMF-CA’s workflow. Built-in logic guides users to study specific documentation needs to make compliance easier for users at all levels of trial master file proficiency..

Haversac eMVR™


An electronic monitoring visit report system: Haversac eMVR securely captures monitoring visit report entry, clarification requests, responses, uploaded documents, and more. All report information and communications are privately contained within Haversac eMVR.  Visit activity and recruitment sections are automatically generated. Template forms are easily customizable to study needs, in form show-hide question logic ensures only essential report content, and completed reports are printable for documentation.          


Haversac Payment™


An integrated payment approval system: Haversac Payment works in tandem with Haversac EDC to facilitate study contributor payment tracking, approval, and communication. Unique contributor payments qualify once they reach specific data verification levels for visits, forms, procedures, or tasks. A study’s permitted user can then approve and export payment records for contributor remuneration and study documentation. Study contributors can view their payment status in Haversac Payment to improve communication and save study administration time.       


Haversac Coding™


A medical dictionary coding system: Haversac Coding can work in tandem with Haversac EDC, or as a stand-alone coding solution for imported records. Verbatim language is automatically loaded on record selection and search type and filters are single instant result choices. Coded records are segregated by a completed filter for easier work flow management. Coding time is automatically calculated to ease expense tracking.    

© 2017  Mediant Health, Inc.   Mediant Health is proud to include Haversac in its family of healthcare information products.

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